Friday, March 16, 2012

X-men Supreme Issue 49: The Good, The Bad, The Sinister is LIVE!

Fasten your seatbelt all you X-men Supreme fans! The end of another major arc in this fanfiction series is upon us! I always get excited when X-men Supreme reaches a special point where the story and the characters experience a powerful moment of great change. The Good, The Bad, The Sinister is one of those arcs that will have significant ramifictions over the course of this fanfiction series. It's the first major arc of X-men Supreme Volume 3: Ashes of Hope for a reason. It will help set the tone in terms of scale for the other arcs to come. So without further adieu, I hope you all enjoy the climax of this latest entry of X-men Supreme.

Issue 49: The Good, The Bad, The Sinister Part 3

It's always an experience using someone like Sinister in an X-men story, but this was extra special. This was once of those arcs where I really got to do something different with this fanfiction series that you won't see in the comics. Sinister is always a colorful character, but it was the introduction of characters like Madelyne Pryor and Gabriel Summers that really set this arc apart. These are two characters who have very different histories in the comics. I wanted to put a different twist on them and I like to think I've succeeded here. I plan on doing a fully entry in the bios section for these characters within the next few days. So stay tuned if you wish to learn more about the characters as they are in the X-men Supreme fanfiction series.

So another arc has passed and this fanfiction series moves forward. As such, it's all the more vital that I get feedback from all the wonderful readers who take the time to read this series. I say it's vital because I've been getting regular traffic reports for the X-men Supreme website and it's fallen flat for the past few months. I really want to see this website and this fanfiction series grow! That can't happen without feedback. Please post your comments in each issue or contact me at any time with your remarks. Either is fine as long as you help support X-men Supreme. I have so much more I want to do with this series. Please help me make it successful. Thank you and until next time, take care and best wishes! Excelsior!



  1. This was interesting. It makes sense that Sinister would seek out Vulcan given his fascination with the Summers' bloodline. I'll have to check out some other parts.

  2. Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Sinister and Vulcan will show up again down the line. You'll see! I'll also be introducing some other new characters very soon. I hope you enjoy them as well.

