Wednesday, December 7, 2011

X-men Supreme Pics Update - New Format

Just a few days left before the next issue of X-men Supreme Reflections is updated! I'm very excited about the end of one era of the X-men Supreme fanfiction series and the beginning of another. But while I've been working hard on moving this fanfiction series forward, I haven't forgotten about the finer aspects to the X-men Supreme website. I've been meaning to update the pics section for a while now, but not with the usual influx of new pics. I've been getting a few comments lately about how cluttered some of the sections have become. When I started posting pics of X-women and the Original Five, I had no idea the site would get as big as this. It has since grown to a point where the size of the sections has become so large that it's become too sluggish to load. So after some tweaking with the code, I changed every section to a thumbnail gallary. This way it's easier to navigate and easier to load. So please check it out when you get a chance.

So as X-men Supreme continues to evolve, I'll be developing new twists and turns with which to make this fanfiction series great. After the end of X-men Supreme Reflections Volume 2, I'll have a special announcement for the immediate future of this fanfiction series. Be sure to stay tuned because this will help set the tone for X-men Supreme Volume 3. There's so much more I want to do with X-men Supreme and I really appreciate the support I've recieved thus far. I hope that support continues and grows as this fanfiction series grows. So until the next update, take care and best wishes! Excelsior!


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