Friday, March 28, 2014

X-men Supreme Issue 97: Uneasy Truce is LIVE!

The end has arrived. A very eventful era of the X-men Supreme fanfiction series has come to an end. I'm very proud of what I've accomplished with X-men Supreme Volume 4: Politics of Fear. This was era of X-men Supreme brought a very different kind of conflict to this fanfiction series. It wasn't just about fighting enemies like Magneto or Sinister. It was about making allies like General Grimshaw and President Robert Kelly. Winning battles is easy in the short-term. But winning the peace in the long-term is much more difficult. That's a battle that often gets overlooked in the annuls of X-men. I wanted to show just how difficult it is to create the peace that Professor Charles Xavier dreams of achieving. Now as X-men Supreme Volume 4: Politics of Fear ends, the conflicts that have been raging are finally winding down and the world is ready for peace.

But even Professor Xavier understands that peace is incredibly fragile. He also understands that peace cannot be built on ideals alone. There needs to be an incentive to maintain that peace for everybody. Many times it requires compromise and sacrifice. The X-men and their allies in General Grimshaw have done more than their share of sacrificing since X-men Supreme Volume 4: Politics of Fear began. Actions by the likes of Magneto, Colonel Wraith, and the Cambrian haven't made it easy for them. But now they've been given a chance to great the necessary incentives for peace. Ironically, Magneto provided those incentives during the events of the Time Bomb arc. He was able to re-activate recovered Shi'ar technology through Warlock, an AI that controls this technology. When he left, he left behind this powerful technology that happens to be in the hands of Genosha, which is now once again being run by Magneto's daughter, the Scarlet Witch.

Now in the final issue of X-men Supreme Volume 4: Politics of Fear, a new status quo is emerging. But this status quo isn't built around as many of Charles Xavier's ideals as the X-men probably hope. It's built around the hope that this alien technology, distributed and sold by Genosha, will create prosperity. And when there's prosperity, there are far fewer reasons to go to war. It's an overly pragmatic, if not downright hallow, means of achieving peace. But after all the damage that Magneto did along with the Cambrian, it's the only way the X-men can hope to salvage some level of peace and security. But before it even begins, some new threats to that security emerge. And the next stage of the X-men Supreme fanfiction series is set to begin with this final issue.

X-men Supreme Issue 97: Uneasy Truce

In the end, X-men Supreme Volume 4: Politics of Fear was almsot as long as X-men Supreme Volume 3: Ashes of Hope. The length and scope of this fanfiction series continues to grow. This makes developing X-men Supreme that much more challenging. And even as it has grown, the feedback has remained flat or declined. I really am hoping it'll increase with the conclusion of X-men Supreme Volume 4: Politics of Fear. As I said in my last update, some of the emails that have been sent to me through this website have been blocked by my email filter. I have since changed it. I always respond to emails within 24 hours so if anyone has not heard back from me, then something is wrong. Please use Twitter or Facebook to contact me so I can fix it. But now that I've resolved this issue, I really hope to get some feedack now that the fourth volume of X-men Supreme is complete. I'm still committed to making Volume 5, but if support continues to decline it may be the last. So please take the time to provide feedback by posting it in the comments section of the issue or contact me directly. Either way is fine. Until next time, take care and best wishes. Excelsior!


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