Brian Michael Bendis has shown that he can write a damn good X-men comic with All New X-men. As such, X-men fans should be both excited and anxious to see how his other X-book, Uncanny X-men pans out. Unlike All New X-men, he's not starting from scratch. He's following up a very high-quality, very awesome run by Kieron Gillen. Having reviewed most of Gillen's run, I can say without reservation that Bendis can't wait too long to start shitting diamonds if he wants to match that quality. We've had a few previews released over the past few weeks, but they were all unlettered and could mean way too many things to a guy strung out on booze and pot so I didn't want to post them less I write something too ridiculous for the internet about them. But today, CBR finally released a lettered preview and I'm so proud to post it that I'm almost sober!
I have every intention of reviewing this book when it comes out so let's hope I'm getting drunk for all the right reasons when the time comes. Nuff said!
the soulsword looks like something cloud strife would carry around.